Traditional - A Rianxeira

First performance: 02/08/2009


Nils opens the show with "A Rianxeira" on accordion. 
2009-08-02 Auditorio Monte Do Gozo, Santiago De Compostela, Spain
Thanks to Patricia Calero for helping on this page 


Composed in 1947 by Anxo Romero Loxo, born in Rianxo in 1905 and who, by then, was living in Buenos Aires working in commerce. Romero Loxo was in his spare time an amateur jazz musician and member of several choirs founded in Argentina by galician immigrants. These groups were a sample of the cultural dynamism of Galician communities abroad and were, in many cases, linked to Galicianism. The composer knew, in fact, the artist and politician Alfonso Rodríguez Castelao, also born in Rianxo. The Rianxeira is today one of those songs that can not be missing in any festival or Galician party. Football teams, including both Celta de Vigo and Deportivo de A Coruña, have used it, and still do, to celebrate their sporting achievements; the neighbours of Rianxo sing it in unison during the festival of the Virgin of Guadalupe; and its bars have been interpreted by singers and musicians as varied as Ana Kiro, A Roda or Linda Rondstad and The Chieftains. Anxo Romero and Xesús Frieiro also received recognition in their native town, where today there is a street dedicated to them by the sea and the local Cultural Centre.

Other cover versions

Bruce on the artist


A virxe de Guadalupe
cando vai pola ribeira,(bis)
descalciña pola area
parece unha rianxeira. (bis)
Ondiñas veñen(bis)(bis)
ondiñas veñen e van
non te embarques rianxeira
que te vas a marear.
A virxe de Guadalupe
cando veu para Rianxo,(bis)
a barquiña que a trouxo
era de pau de laranxo. (bis)

"Ondiñas veñen..."
A virxe de Guadalupe
quen a fixo moreniña,(bis)
foi un raíño de sol
que entrou pola ventaiña

La voz de Galicia.